Yep, that's right. For perhaps the first time in my entire life, I woke up with no assistance just before 6am, even though I only have to walk downstairs for training and it's not until 8 am. I kept looking at my watch like, "Is this really right?" Lol. Has to be the time zone thing. After all, it's noon at home.
Since I'm got some time, I'll give you the details on my experience thus far. On Sunday, I traveled from Atlanta to Dallas to LA. Watched the US women's soccer team beat Brazil in Dallas, so that was fun. Got to LA around 2:30 pm, and headed out to meet the promised shuttle to the Holiday Inn Express we were staying the night at, courtesy of WorldTeach. Unfortunetly, no one told us we had to call for the shuttle (all the other hotels just kept circling the terminal) so like an idiot, I stood there for 45 minutes until I finally called the hotel to see what was up. So I didn't actually get to the hotel until 4:30, where I promptly fell asleep.
Spend the night in LA bonding with the other 22 volunteers, and they are all totally awesome. A couple of Western PA peeps, and even some from around where my parents are in Alabama! We were supposed to have a meeting at 9pm with someone from WorldTeach, but they never showed. Hopefully that's not a sign of things to come, lol.
Woke up yesterday morning and heading to LAX at 7am. No troubles checking in, and soon we were off to Honolulu! Haven't been in Hawai'i since I lived there back in 2006, so even though it was only for four hours, it was cool to be back in the ol' 808.
Next thing you know, we're on the place for Pago Pago! We got here around 9:30 pm, and I breezed through Customs (the Canadian amongst us was not so lucky, he got "pulled aside" into a special room where he had to pay an immigration fee.) The airport in AmSam is hilarious. All these locals show up when the plane comes in on Monday and Thursday, just to see who's coming in. It's like entertainment. Someone told me they even have a local show called Flight Night, that documents all the arrivals to Pago Pago. Made me feel kinda like a Rock Star, not gonna lie.
Apparently, I missed Troy Polamalu visit to his home country by two weeks. Which is probably a good thing, 'cause I might have embarrassed myself it I had met him. And by embarrass myself, I mean something like throw myself at him and beg him to have my babies. :)
Anywho, we got on a bus and they took us to the town of Nu'uuli, where we will be staying that school there during the three weeks of training. Pretty they just showed up a room with a ton of mattresses and said, "This is your room. Have at it." It was all very America's Next Top Model. Lol. But all things said and done, I slept really well, and even woke up completely by myself at 6am. Then I headed outside to see the view and holy crap, what a view! That's the photo above, basically right out my window. All and all, I think I'm gonna like it here.
Training starts soon, and I need to grab some breakfast, so until next time, enjoy your life that's probably not on a tropical island. :)
Sounds like fun! I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous. But who wants a tropical island when I have Pittsburgh, right? Right?
Looks gorgeous! And I nearly teared up at the text the other day -- good luck out there!!