Talofa Lava! (Greetings!)
Second day of training today! I can't believe I've only been here three days, in some ways it feels like forever. I think I feel comfortable here because it reminds me a lot of Hawai'i, especially Hilo. On the other hand, I still need to figure out my way around the island. For instance, today Julie and I paid a dollar to ride the island bus to the cell phone store, which turned out to be 400 yards down the road. Literally as soon as the driver finished accelerating, he had to hit the brakes for us to get off. Lol. We looked so stupid, I'm sure. I should mention that the island buses are so awesome, all painted different colors, with music blasting, and all a little shady. But it only cost a dollar, even if you go the whole way across the island!
I did get a cell phone! It works like this: I put money on my phone, and I can call the U.S. for 11 cents/min. However, if someone from the Mainland United States wants to call me, it doesn't cost me a thing. I don't know how much it costs YOU, but my number is 684-733-5909. Feel free to call, but don't forget that I'm 7 hours behind Eastern Time! In fact, American Samoa is literally the last place in the world to see the sun set everyday. We're right on the International Date Line. (Technically it's Western Samoa right now, but they are switching over the Dateline in December so they can do business with Asia.)
Training has been much like training for the Park Service, actually. At least, all the Interp training we went through at Glacier. We did some example lesson plans today, and I'm getting excited about teaching science. I mean, Earth Science is pretty fun, and pretty much what I've been doing as a Park Ranger anyway. Tutuila is a volcanic island, so I'm really gonna teach as much geology as I can.
We've been having some Samoan language lessons. I am usually really good with languages, but man, Samoan is hard. I'm really determined to learn it, though, even if I sound a fool.
I really like all the other WorldTeachers. I mean, I guess it makes sense, since we are the same sort of people, those who would pack up and move to an island in the South Pacific for a year to teach. I'm so used to getting the reaction of awe when I tell people all the places I've been and the things I've done. It's kind of refreshing that no one here is all that impressed, because they've been awesome places as well. It's like, "Well, I see your living in England and I raise you a childhood in Slovenia." Lol.
Dinner soon, but first, some important news!
HARRY POTTER IS COMING TO AMSAM! A bunch of us are going to see it either Friday or Saturday. The only movie theater in the country is only about a half mile down the road. It only had two screens and looks a little sketch, but I just totally do not care. HP! Super excited.
I guess you can take the girl and put her on a tropical island, but you can't palm tree and sunshine the nerd out of her.
Anyway. Until next time!
Ahhh I can't waaait for HP!!!
ReplyDeleteI often wonder how such remote countries like that function. Is it very touristy?